This is the 150mm (6 inch) firestop category.
Manufactured from high-quality stainless steel, our range of stainless steel firestop plates are designed to provide the appropriate distance between the flue and the adjacent material, in accordance with the fire and building regulations.
Our range of 150mm firestops come in a variety of colours, such as white, black, silver, and stainless steel. The firestops have to be used on solid fuel appliances where the flue goes through a combustible floor or ceiling.
If you’re looking for 150mm firestops, then please take a look at our range of silver or stainless steel fire stops below. IDEAL FOR WOODBURNING AND MULTI FUEL STOVES
Firestop Cover Plate (White) dia 150mm
Our 150mm twin wall firestop cover plates are made with exceptional quality materials and they are m..
Our Price (ex VAT): £58.96 Inc VAT: £70.75
Firestop Cover Plate (Black) dia 150mm - Black
This twin wall product is made of the finest materials and manufactured by a well known company Mi_..
Our Price (ex VAT): £65.48 Inc VAT: £78.58
Firestop Plate dia 150mm
Our 150mm firestop plates are made with high-quality materials and they are manufactured by an estab..
Our Price (ex VAT): £37.35 Inc VAT: £44.82